Ports de la Generalitat



2024 Action Plan

Objective 1:Reduction of the resolution time for beaconing incidents compared to the previous year
Action 1 Have material in stock to make the provisional replacement of the beacon
Objective 2:Reduction of energy consumption by 16.43% by 2027 compared to 2022 (ACORD GOV/127/2023)
Action 1 Remodeling of the port office of the port of Arenys de Mar
Action 2 Remodeling of the port office at the port of Vilanova i la Geltrú
Action 3 Medium voltage banding of the infrastructure at the port of la Rápita
Action 4 Service for the management and operation of the network of electric vehicle charging stations of Ports de la Generalitat
Objective 3:Reduction of drinking water consumption by 2023
Action 1 Renewal of the water meter network in the ports of the North and Central Region
Action 2 Maintenance and leak detection service for the drinking water network.

This 2024 Action Plan has been approved by the Internal Committee of Ports de la Generalitat, on February 29, 2024. 

Updated: March 7, 2023